Raspberry Iguana is Back
Raspberry Iguana is back from holiday – I am back from holiday. We actually got back last Friday evening, and it has been the usual post-holiday chaos of dealing with mountains of washing, followed by ironing and the return of our little lady, our hamster, from her own holiday at nanna and pop’s house.
The holiday was filled with mixed emotions, let’s just say I am glad to be home and holiday blues haven’t set in although I do miss the heat but only accompanied by a pool and air con. Overall, the boys had a brilliant time and loved playing in the pool and practicing their swimming and diving. We ate loads of gelato and drank Aperol Spritz after dark (I drank Aperol Spritz). We saw lots of lizards – sadly none of them Iguana’s, Hehe but it did inspire something for a potential future product. The road trip was a success, and the boys made full use of their travel packs and only used iPads on the last 2 hours of the journey which made me feel proud. I think we can all agree that our favourite part of the road trip was driving through the Alps. In summary – in case you are interested, we would absolutely go on the ferry again to cross the channel – the boys loved it; we would road trip any time we visit mainland Europe. We went in our electric car and the charging was a breeze – we just maybe wouldn’t stay exactly where we stayed but very much want to go back to Italy and do it a little differently. Anyway, back to Raspberry Iguana.
I switched off holiday mode on the Folksy shop on Monday and to be honest with myself am slightly disappointed that work stopped there, I haven’t done much posting on social media, certainly haven’t created any new posts and am no further forward with new product launches, I guess my body is still in holiday mode and enjoying building the many dens, long bike rides and park trips with my smalls – not so much playing with slim and certainly not washing it out of their hair. However, today is the day that I get stuck back into it, I am armed with coffee and a positive attitude despite still feeling half asleep I am going to make a good old fashioned to do list and get some things done. I think part of the procrastination is Autumn; I love Autumn, I love the colours and think there are so many ways to get creative in Autumn whether you are an adult, small or a business (big or small) but I also love summer and I am not ready to wish away the end of this season just yet. I know I need to be getting sorted with Autumn ranges, but my head is still stuck in a want for bright warm sunshine. I went to Ikea on Monday with my smalls, mainly for iPad stands (our house seems to have a black hole for the little wooden iPad stands) and for a look around – I am always on the look for home improvement ideas and Autumn had very much arrived, it was the same at Dunelm, supermarkets and all over my personal social media. I hate that we look forward to the little summer we get and then get pushed right through it straight into Autumn. With that said I know ordering Autumn supplies is going to be at the top of my to do list. Sorry, moan and move on.
Ending on a positive note, it is Bank Holiday Weekend! Yay! We always end up coming back from our family summer holiday around this time of year, so the Bank Holiday always sneaks up on us as a little bonus. We are spending the weekend with family and friends, enjoying the last of the hopefully warm sunshine. I hope you are all doing great things too.
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